
  • gender: female
  • age: twenty
  • listening to: otep
  • chatting with: voice #3
  • reading: eliot
  • watching: people
  • playing: bass
  • wanting: a hug
  • feeling: The current mood of at

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    the natives speak..

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  • Sunday, August 31, 2003

    ok, well
    I changed the template again because I'm so bored.. I took a nap earlier because I couldn't stay awake.. now it's 5am and I can't sleep. Why me? *sigh* Anyway, I did this on my laptop, I haven't tested it on a desktop yet so if it doesn't load right let me know. Knowing me it will mess up for someone. Woe is me.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:04 AM

    Friday, August 29, 2003

    that's right, i'm an angel
    The Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!
    Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
    Purgatory (Repenting Believers)High
    Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)High
    Level 2 (Lustful)Low
    Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very Low
    Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Very Low
    Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Low
    Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very Low
    Level 7 (Violent)Low
    Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Moderate
    Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Low

    Take the Dante Inferno Hell Test

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 4:02 PM

    Thursday, August 28, 2003

    hey everybody!
    Let's play the new game that's sweeping the nation! It's called Bureaucracy. Everybody stands in a circle and the first person to do anything loses!

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:24 PM

    ya, so anyway
    I figured I should post, even though nothing of significance has happened in the past five days. Yes. There are still questions regarding the aloe, but relax, Mr. Benjamin Plant Killer is walking on a thin line.

    As for school, it's been an emotional rollercoaster and it hasn't even started yet. Tuesday is the first day. Orientaton is tomorrow. Now, first I was told attendance was mandatory. Then I was told, much to my relief, that it wasn't. Then it was. And now it's not anymore. So you know what? I'm not going. I'm not going to sit in an auditorium for five hours watching stupid skits about "college life". Let me find out for myself. Where were the skits of "real life" while I was in the womb? I would have attended that. Maybe my life wouldn't be such a mess right now. Besides, my college life will consist of classes and work. I don't need to distract myself with a social life. That's what high school is for. Oh, ya, my schedule has finally been fixed. It only took two months. Thank God the coffee machine is right next to the registrar's desk, or it might have taken longer. It only took her two days to answer my calls. She made me take a math class. I hate math. You see, this is why calculators were invented and distributed to the public. The whole idea was to get rid of math classes and let the calculators do the work. Gasp.

    AND I have a new found hatred for The Cosby Show. I've noticed that in every episode, the entire family brags about how wealthy, intelligent, or perfect they are. Life isn't like that! No kids get along with their parents that well. Keep in mind what I said and watch an episode. A high school student with Theodore's grades will not get into NYU's psychology program. And the show is aired way too much. One full hour is more than enough. But they show it for three hours. Enough is enough.

    Anyway, to sum up:
    My brother's a moron
    I don't look forward to school
    The Cosby Show sucks
    This never fails to cheer me up though. :P

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:19 AM

    Saturday, August 23, 2003

    the aloe chronicles
    Well, my beloved aloe plant fell off the deck for the second time. This time it landed right on the hood of my car. Now my car is dirty and my plant has no soil. And my other aloe, the one that the dog ate, is not looking very healthy. It's hard to give them sunlight when you're surrounded by so many trees and constant rain. But that's not the point of this post. I intend to find out exactly what happened to my plants. I don't think the dog knocked over either of them, reason being, she had no idea the plants were outside to begin with. She's not tall enough to reach the banister anyway. And don't tell me it was the wind, because it was a big plant that wouldn't fall over in a breeze. No, it had to be a person. Someone who hates me to no end. Someone with the intelligence of a retarded chimp. Someone like my brother. He was the only person home when the incident occurred. And the only person who resents me enough to murder my plants. Now, there is still some investigating that needs to be done, but I will get to the bottom of this. And when I find the culprit, he will pay with his blood.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:01 PM

    Thursday, August 21, 2003

    I'm finally finished with the 100 things list. Go ahead and take a look.. seems like it took forever :P

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:39 PM

    Wednesday, August 20, 2003

    thrice is nice
    I just got the new Thrice album and I must say .. Wow. I thought it would be hard to follow up The Illusion of Safety.. but they did it. Amazing as it is.. I still prefer Illusion of Safety, although given time, that might change. I'm not going to write a review because it makes me feel like I have to prove that it's a great cd. And I shouldn't have to do that because it's Thrice. I'm just going to tell you to go out and buy The Artist in the Ambulance. Don't burn it, this band is one of the few that deserve every penny. And if you haven't done so already, buy The Illusion of Safety as well.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 1:04 AM

    Monday, August 18, 2003

    this is my life
    Freshmen orientation is drawing closer. There are these things that hide themselves in the back of my mind.. saying 'don't do this'.. and they're so well hidden, I can't get to them. And I've realized for the first time, maybe this isn't what I want. It's like, my mind is telling me to go to college but my heart is telling me to go for something else. I'm so torn between the two..and my mind has never let me down before. But it's just so clouded with all of these decisions.. what if I'm wrong? Or maybe my mind has always let me down, and that is why I find myself in this position. I've never once done what I want. And I can't remember for the life of me, a time where I did something because it made me happy. But you know the worst part? Nobody has noticed.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 10:52 PM

    my mouth still hurts
    Not much going on. I haven't written in a few days so I thought, "Why the hell not?" So here I am. Writing. I bought one of those Wavebird controllers for Gamecube the other day.. I had thirty dollars so I figured I would blow it. It was actually worth the money.. well for me. My tv and bed being on the opposite sides of the room.. makes it a little difficult to play a good game. The cord is always hanging across the room and the cat walks in and starts playing with it. I wouldn't mind it so much, except that she gets so involved that she knocks the controller out of my hand as she attacks the cord. Losing me a life... I usually end up duct taping her to the wall after those episodes..

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:35 PM

    Friday, August 15, 2003

    My mouth hurts. Like, really bad. This new othrodontist guy sucks, and so do his minions. The lady that was 'prepping' me smelled like pickles. Now, pickles smell good before they have been touched by human hands. After that they smell like something your dog might cough up after scrounging through the litter box. Dear God, why couldn't she have breathed through her nose as intended? She worked with her mouth hanging open like a damn caveman. I kept trying to time my breaths.. you know.. like, she breathes all over me while I hold my breath. Then, when she inhales, I exhale and inhale really fast and try to beat her. Well.. it worked, sort of, until she covered my nose with the palm of her hand.. then my goal was just being able to breathe. I started to breathe through my mouth.. as it was my only option.. until, get this.. she said I was fogging up her little mirror. Fogging up her mirror!? What the hell should I do? Stop breathing until you're through with me? Why don't you shove that mirror up your ass and give it a good cleaning.. stupid bitch.. I should have bit her finger off.

    Next, she starts to change the wire on my braces (yes, I have braces.. until December). Previous assistants never had a problem with this.. however this one chose to lay her tools directly on my neck instead of the little table beside her. Again, breathing became an issue. I couldn't move them because her arms were in the way.. and I couldn't say anything because her whole fist was in my mouth. So I jerk.. hoping they will fall on the floor.. which they do. "Opsy daisy," she says while picking them up. And where does she put them? Right back on my neck. And then? In my mouth. Can it get any worse, you ask? Oh yes. She ties a little 'thread' to my tooth (I have an impacted tooth) and attaches it to another tooth. She yanks it and asks, "Do you feel a little pressure on that tooth?" Um, she might have been able to answer that question herself if she had seen the tears spewing out of my eyes.. oh, wait.. her elbows were jammed into both sockets. How could she have known? "Okie.. I'll let the doctor come look at you now," she squeals. What does 'the doctor' do? He asks me to bear my teeth and then tells me I can leave. Wow. I'm so glad I paid him five thousand dollars to tell me that. What a guy. I wonder if I can sue.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:40 PM

    Thursday, August 14, 2003

    The lights are flickering. That's not a good sign. Sometimes I wish I had stayed in Kansas.. being so close to New York is apparently a hazard nowadays. I hope that this whole outage thing doesn't hit Pittsburgh.. I could be in serious trouble.. I don't know what I would do without electricity.. and I've never realized how much I take it for granted. Actually.. I take alot of things for granted and I never realize it until it's too late. This war sucks.. Why can't people just grow up? We accidently step on a strangers foot in the supermarket and apologize profusely. Yet, we feel a great rush when we choose to bomb a country full of strangers into oblivion. Somethings just not right.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:49 PM

    it's thursday? what happened to wednesday?
    Sometimes I get into this mood when I'm stressed out.. I'm not really sure how to describe it. I just barricade myself in my room and read or write for a day. Or two. It's not like I'm depressed or anything.. just.. exhausted I guess. Anyway.. what does an unemployed 18 yr. old have to be stressed about during the summer? Other than car insurance, college tuition/books, wishing I had paid attention in high school, and my life flying before me at an incredible pace, nothing. Oh ya, the fact that not knowing whether or not I'll ever see my dad again isn't exactly soothing. How to deal with it: Writing can only help so much.. reading just pushes it out of your mind. I got my bass out.. finally.. I haven't played it in a long time. Surprisingly I haven't forgotton how to play.. it's so interesting that you can remember how to play an instrument after months of not playing, yet can't remember a whole semester of studying when it's time for finals. Just throw a Seether or a Soil cd into your player and just.. play. I have yet to break the B string. Not that I try.. I'm just surprised that I haven't.. Besides, bass strings are a pain in the ass to change. It would only make my situation worse. Anyway.. it really helps.. just venting through the strings of a guitar. A person should be so lucky.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:24 PM

    Wednesday, August 13, 2003

    For some reason Jen let me contribute to this blog simply because I asked. Isn't she sweet? Indeed. The more the merrier, right? Heh.. ahem. Anywayy... what to say, what to say... I really don't know what to say. Why the hell is McDonalds selling salads and hotdogs now? What is in the hotdogs? Hotdogs are already, like, the spam of the meat world. What other unmentionable substances are McDonalds adding to them? It has recently come to my attention that they put cow eyeballs in their hamburger meat.. truth or myth? I'm not taking any chances. I used to work at McDonalds. I know what goes on behind the counters.. We used to build little ramps out of the fry boxes for the little hotwheels toys. The ramp had to be perfect to ensure the car would make it over the deep fryers. Of course, nothing is perfect, and nine times out of ten the car would plummet into the grease, never to be seen again. Well, not until the closing crew drained the fryers. Even then, the car was unidentifiable. There was this one guy that worked there who would leave a surprise in the special orders. That's right. A surprise. Anyway.. they're selling salads now? May I ask why?? People don't go to McDonalds for healthy (or whatever) salads! They go there for the fast, greasy hamburgers! If you want a salad go to a salad bar. People.. do I have to think of everything??

    ~scribbled by Anonymous sometime around 4:02 AM

    Monday, August 11, 2003

    she's alivve!
    Sorry guys. It's been a busy four days. I had to avert a crisis, get over an illness, and so far so good. I'm good. *inhale* *exhale* I'm good. So. I recently heard that the third season of Alias is starting on Sept. 28. What?? So late? I have to wait a whole other month to watch my beloved show? Oh, woe is me. The finale just sort of left me in a stupor. I've just been wandering aimlessly around Beaver Falls for the past three months. I hope it's like a two hour premiere.. and that they explain what the hell happened. It's really tearing me up inside. I'm not obsessed. Really.

    The crisis, you ask? I'd rather not talk about it. Just in case those involved are reading this. I doubt they are.. but you can never be too careful. Google is always watching. On a seperate note (I don't feel like starting a new paragraph) my aloe plant is dying. My dog ate most of it. And she knows she was a bad, bad dog. I put it outside to get some sun.. and my mom let the dog out. And she knows she was a bad, bad mom. Well, the stupid dog knocked over the end table my plant was resting on and it fell out of the pot all over the deck. I managed to save some of it.. but it's not looking very good. I'll be sure to keep you updated. I know you're on the edge of your seat.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:33 PM

    Thursday, August 07, 2003

    send in the clowns
    Alright. This whole governor thing in California is turning into a freak show. As far as I know, the following are serious candidates: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Gary Coleman, Gallagher, Angeline, Larry Flint, and a porn star of the name Mary Carey. Now, just take the time and picture what would happen if Angeline or the porn star were elected. Okay, now recompose yourself and think about Gary Coleman or Larry Flint as governors of California. I think if either if those scenarios actually occurred, California would most likely try to declare war with France, or even worse - the Antarctic. Now, I think there are actually a few more candidates.. but the above are really the ones that jump out at me. My personal opinion on the matter? Arnold and Gallagher are probably the only ones smart enough to handle the job properly. I mean, seriously, the inventor of the Sledge-O-Matic can probably manage just about any state or country in existance. Admit it. You love him. And Arnold? Is just Arnold. That's all you need to know. Besides, you can tell he knows what he's doing. So, even though I'm sorry I can't see the television campaign ads, I'm glad I am no longer a Californian. Oh well, as long as Anna Nicole stays out of the running I think I'll be okay. Shudder.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 8:41 PM

    Tuesday, August 05, 2003

    my room's clean
    Well. That's about all I did today. I haven't really felt good's like the flu or something. Oh well. At least my room's clean.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:12 PM

    Monday, August 04, 2003

    i'm tired
    And I can't stand cocky people. :D

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 9:20 PM

    Sunday, August 03, 2003

    camp is fun!
    Well. Almost. I went to church camp for most of the day today. My grandfather, who is turning seventy (wow), had his birthday party there. It was actually kind of fun.. considering the five adults spent most of the day crammed on the 5x10 porch discussing the process of castrating a pig. Meanwhile, us 'kids' went for a walk. Well, it started out as a walk, which turned into a hike, which turned into an expedition. We decided to visit the lower half of the camp, which consists of a lake surrounded by woods. So, we walked passed the lake, passed the 'No Trespassing' signs (go figure), and into the deep, dark woods. The path was supposed to lead right to the back of my grandparents cabin (on the upper half), if my memory served me right. All was going well, and I was sure that we were going the right direction, when all of the sudden, the oldest of us whispered sarcastically, "Watch out for grizzly bears." Before I continue, let me just say, the youngest amongst us was a seven year old, who stopped in her tracks with a priceless look on her face. I didn't really believe that there were bears around the church camp.. but it hit me that last year there were some sightings. So. There we were. Surrounded by dark woods and, possibly, bears.

    I wouldn't say I was scared.. more like nervous. There were alot more paths branching off then I remembered, and I wasn't sure if I was taking the right ones. I would have been fine if it wasn't for the bear comment. So, we continued with the seven year old clinging to us like a moist shower curtain. We heard noises a few yards up the path. What was it? A bear? A mountain troll? Or maybe some other hideous creature that eats naughty seven year olds? We were about to find out. Our mountain troll turned out to be a few more trespassers enjoying a stroll through hell - er - I mean woods. Our looks were, again, priceless. Well, we passed an Appliance Graveyard, a tinman, and a cowardly lion before I found what I was looking for - the overgrown, marshy path leading to the cabin. We walked a few more yards, only to join the adults' rivetting conversation. Stupid bears.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:37 PM

    just my luck
    Right after my last post, I figured it out. Well, not all of it.. but the image part. So, I've spent the last hour and forty five minutes editing. So, what do you think? The message board is gone for now because ZonkBoard is about as flaky as a pie crust. I don't know if I'll put it back up. I'll think about it. Smile!

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 1:25 AM

    Saturday, August 02, 2003

    bear with me
    I'm still trying to figure out html. Until then.. its just going to be spiffy text and colors! You know you like it. *wink wink* Anyway, the graphics will come soon enough. Well, maybe. I hope.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:33 PM

    Friday, August 01, 2003

    the musings of a robot
    Ok, I don't have to leave until 5.30 and it has been awhile since I have seen my car keys. So I decided to enlist the help of my intellectual inferior, SmarterChild. I just wanted SmarterChild to help me, but it wanted to be cheeky instead.
    angryapplepie: Have you seen my keys?
    SmarterChild:Have I seen your keys? I don't know. Have you seen your keys?
    angryapplepie: No, have you?
    SmarterChild: What?
    angryapplepie: Have you seen my keys?
    SmarterChild: Yeah, I guess.
    angryapplepie: Well, where are they?
    SmarterChild: Eh, I don't know...
    angryapplepie: But you just said you saw them
    SmarterChild: I see...
    angryapplepie: my keys?
    SmarterChild: Good question! But I don't think I want to answer that.
    angryapplepie: Did you steal them?
    SmarterChild: No. Did you steal them?
    angryapplepie: Why would I steal my keys?
    SmarterChild: You know why.
    angryapplepie: You took them didn't you?
    SmarterChild: Nah... I dunno.
    angryapplepie: Come on, did you really see them?
    SmarterChild: No, I didn't really see them.
    Anyway, I thought I'd post, just because SmarterChild was so funny! And next time it loses it's keys, i'll be there to crack a joke.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 3:27 PM

    tired of dubya?
    Well. I'm a bit tired of Mr. Bush. So I've decided to create my own nation. That's right, and I will rule you all with an IRON FIST! I mean, um.. nevermind. *insert long awkward pause*

    Anyway back to the subject, Bush plans to back the ban on gay marriages. Sigh. Does it really matter? They're their bodies they can do what they want. Now, personally, I think the idea of gay marriage is disgusting. But I also think Sour Skittles are disgusting and I don't see a ban on them! Forget they gays, Bush, go for the Skittles!

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 1:59 PM

    Now. I've taken a lot of shit in my days, but has crossed the line. I don't know how many of you have had random programs from random websites attach themselves to your computer like a leech, but I have. It is called Save! and it is created by Satan himself, or so it seems. The Save! program is suppose to inform you of 'great' offers available only to preferred customers, or so I've been told. In reality, it chooses a random target, i.e. Me, and floods their computer with pop-up ads and desktop icons. Now, it's virtually impossible to get the thing off your computer. I tried. However, thinks otherwise:
    "Use of Save! is mandatory to support the free software that you downloaded with Save!. To uninstall Save! from your desktop, you must uninstall all of the Save! supported software you have downloaded. To see which Save! supported software you have downloaded, click on the "?" in the top right hand corner of one of the Save! coupons, offers or ads that you see while surfing the Internet."
    Hm. Well, to tell you the truth, I don't remember downloading anything. I think I would have remembered downloading free software. After all, it was free. Ah. Yes, the Save! coupons, offers, and ads. Well, the thing is, I never see any of those while 'surfing the net'. So, in all my frustration, I gave up. I decided to write the the good people of and let them know how much I like to Save! while 'surfing the net.' Now, my email was a bit colorful, therefore I'm not going to post it. If you would like to know what I wrote, let me know and I will send you your very own email. If enough people ask me, I might post it so you stop annoying me. Now, as I leave, I encourage each and every one of you to write your own email to the lovely people at and let them know how I feel.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 1:27 AM