
  • gender: female
  • age: twenty
  • listening to: otep
  • chatting with: voice #3
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  • wanting: a hug
  • feeling: The current mood of at

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  • Thursday, May 27, 2004

    There is like, this incessant, high-pitch squealing or squeaking noise coming from the house next door. And it's driving me insane.. it's, like.. it won't freaking stop and I'm about to pull my hair out. And this guy next door? Crazy. Can't talk to him.. or he'll probably eat my brain. No, really.

    This noise.. or scream.. or whatever it is.. it woke me up this morning, and it still has not stopped.

    But anyway.. this guy that lives there.. he has to be, like, 500 years old. And he writes these songs and performs them at midnight on Tuesdays beside his pool.. on his ukelele-type thing. It's all just really weird. And then there's always some strange noise coming from his house.. but they're never as annoying as this.

    ANYWAY. I have some interesting stories about this nutter.. but I'll save them for a time when I have nothing else to say. OR.. you can give me cookies and maybe I'll crack.

    I'm so going to laugh when people from these states show up and beat the shit out of them. Call me for their place of residence.
    Jen says: good lord.. there's nothing to do around here.
    BobLives says: but you lived in kansas.
    BobLives says: there's nothing in ks except 4 cows and the farmer.
    Jen says: that's not true.. i took two cows with me.
    BobLives says: sweeet. *nebraska readies for the invasion*
    BobSucks says: lol.. yeah.. the three people in nebraska.
    BobLives says: shhh. you'll give wyoming ideas.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:23 PM

    Wednesday, May 26, 2004

    Wha?? In the wha wha?
    Alias finale last Sunday.. like, blew me away. Okay.. not really.. but it was good. I'm happy. At least they didn't leave us until January with a life/death cliffhanger.. or a.. "Where the hell have I been for two years and why are you married" cliffhanger. I heard it was going to resemble season one, and I can see that.. but I though it was going to be Vaughn's dad returning from the dead or something.. haha. I actually thought that was who stabbed him .

    About Eddie's post.. disregard anything he said. Although, not all of it was a lie.. Bob the chia pet did fall out of his window.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:45 PM

    Sunday, May 16, 2004

    For some reason, I just laugh everytime I hear that word. I think it's something in the water.. or maybe I'm just.. different.

    Anyway.. I have an ant problem. But they're the cute little ants.. I almost feel bad when I squirt them with bleach and smush them. They're, like, all over my nightstand and it's driving me insane. There is no food.. no beverages.. nothing that they could possibly want. I could swear they just want my company. But now I have to resort to ant spray because, even though I haven't returned their calls, they can't take the hint. At least it's not a spider problem.. if that were the case, I probably wouldn't be in this house right now.

    My mom said the locusts are suppose to come out this year. They're, like, a special kind or whatever.. I can't remember the name. But they live in the ground and come up to mate every seven years. And they cover the ground. So, if you don't see me around.. I've barricaded myself inside. Adios :)

    I swear, if his mom didn't already, I'd have to remind him to breathe.
    I says: locusts?!
    I says: locusts.. oh my god.. it's the apocalypse!

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 3:37 PM

    Thursday, May 13, 2004

    Oh my God.
    Someone else cleaned out the bathtub! You have no idea how happy I am.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:21 PM

    Is nothing sacred?
    I'm getting tired of cleaning up the messes my family members make with the toothpaste. How the hell does a person manage to smear it all over the bottle? I mean, it goes directly from the bottle to the brush.. there's no room for a detour! Aside from the toothpaste, it seems I've been elected to fill the soap bottle. I don't mind doing it, but it's insane that no one else will. It's like, what do they do if I don't fill it? Not wash their hands?

    My mom used the bathtub to clean some screens on Sunday. There's, like, a thick layer of dirt still in the bathtub. I've decided to use the downstairs bathroom for now to see how long it takes someone to clean it up. It's still there. And it's driving me crazy. In fact, I'll probably end up cleaning it out later today.

    On a happy note, Eddie posted! I didn't know he thinks I'm crazy, but I'm glad he's playing along. It makes it easier for me in the long run.... And the ketchup thing? I can totally see that. Good Lord.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 2:39 PM

    Wednesday, May 12, 2004

    Sit down, and shut the hell up.
    I retract my previous statement regarding the Blogger layout. Sure, it's spiffy enough.. it's nice to look at. But it's a bitch to navigate. Seriously, Eddie can't get into the blog because it keeps deleting the poor guy.. and I can't find anything in my template.. I hate the way it's been formatted. It reminds me of C++.. you have to keep scrolling right in order to get to the center of the fucking tootsie pop.. er.. you know what I mean.

    My dad is coming home soon. I'm not sure how I feel about that. I mean, of course I'm happy.. and he's away from danger and everything. It's just.. weird. It bothers me the way he and my mom interact.. like they're long lost loves. And we all know that's so not true. It just pisses me off. They're divorced. Yet, my mom still refers to him as her husband.. and they @!#$ when there's no one around.. At that communion thing? She was talking about how they met.. and how it was love at first sight. Total bullshit. All they ever did was fight when they were married.. and that's if they were even talking to each other. Usually, the one would ignore the other one. And vice versa. I don't want them living together, and I don't want them to get back together. Is that selfish? Everything is better this way. Everyone gets along. Sort of.


    Monday. I forgot to write this into the previous post and I have no idea why..
    My brother brought a few friends home from school. That's alright, I can deal with it. As long as they leave me the fuck alone. That wasn't the case.. :(
    I was playing a very involved game of Eternal Darkness when someone started banging on my door. At first I thought it was Orion because he's the only one who bangs on it, so I didn't answer it, but instead asked what he wanted. Well, it wasn't Orion, it was one of Ben's vagarious friends. Thank God my door was locked, because he attempted to open it without a reply other than, "Are you naked in there?!". The boy was obviously equipped with the brain of a "special" four year old, because, even though he realized the door was locked, he continued to try and open it. He goes away.

    Ten minutes later, I hear him outside the door again.. except he doesn't knock, doesn't pound.. but I can hear him standing there. Then he starts banging on it again, this time asking if I'm really nineteen. I don't answer. So he just continues asking and banging until it finally dawns on him that I'm not answering. He leaves with a rather loud, "Fuck you, then."

    Five minutes later, he's back outside my door. He bangs on it, "Housekeeping, housekeeping, miss." Yeah, because now I'll answer it. When he realizes I haven't fallen for his clever trick, he goes away to consult my brother who, by the way, is on his way to his fourth year in ninth grade. So he comes back. This time, he uses a sorry attempt at a feminine voice, bangs on the door, and says, "Room service." He also tries the housekeeping one again. Then he just continues pounding on the door asking me if I'm naked.

    So, what does a girl in a situation as precarious as this? She drowns the fucker out with some Katatonia. I swear the stereo must have been on level 40 in order to get the freak to fuck off.

    Does that stop him? No. And I should have seen this coming. He runs to my windows. With Ben in tow. In a way, I did see it, because I shut my curtains, but they're so thin you can see through them if you're close enough. But he starts banging on my windows. He sees me and says to my brother, "She's naked!!" Of course, if he used his three remaining brain cells, he could tell I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. But he just keeps banging on the damn window, while my fucking brother eggs him on.

    At this point, I was seriously debating on whether or not to call the cops. But instead, I locked the fuckers out of the house. And while I was locking the basement door, I took a detour to Ben's computer and perfomed a 'deltree C'.

    When I got back to my room, they were gone. I hung some blankets over the curtains in case they came back, but thank God they didn't. For their own safety. I was ready to gouge his eyes out with a broken pencil.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 12:08 AM

    Monday, May 10, 2004

    Ohh, Spiffy!
    This new Blogger layout is pretty cool.. except confusing. My template is all formatted and it's hard to recognize things. But the rest is cool. In fact, I'm going to make Eddie start posting here again. And he will. Even if I have to threaten with the torture of purple nurples and a head wax.

    What else? Uh.. no Alias for two more weeks. I'm starting to recognize the withdrawl symptoms. At least I have my S1&2 dvds and the last four eppys on tape. They should last me until the finale.. I don't know about the whole summer. But all this talk about the finale and the masks is going to give me an ulcer. I'm not kidding. I'm so scared for the show.

    So, it turns out I was the only child in my family to remember Mother's Day. How sad is that? But since I'm poor I didn't get her a present but instead washed her car and made her dinner. I had to scrape about 5 million corpses off the front of her car. To be honest, I didn't know that bugs could be so messy when they exploded. I swear I'm going to end up with HIV or something. Of course, bugs weren't the only thing stuck to her car. I swear, she joyrides through tar pits on her days off. I honestly have never seen a car as dirty as hers. But, NO!! I ENOJOYED IT! It was my pleasure!!

    I also gave her cat a bath. Although, that was more for me than for her. For an indoor cat, she gets pretty dirty. So, if she won't clean herself, I'll throw her in the bathtub and shut the door. She enjoyed it.. all the scratching and hissing was just an act. What kind of female doesn't like a bubble bath?

    I says: blues clues!!
    Jen says: no no, it's JOE'S CLUES today
    I says: oh!!
    I'm not a duck says: Joe needs to get laid
    I says: *cough* Jen
    Jen says: no, i think he'd prefer you eddie

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 1:41 PM

    Saturday, May 01, 2004

    Why isn't this working? All the other blogs are working.. why not mine? *pouts*

    God. Don't make me start another damn blog. There's too much energy invested into this one. And by energy, I mean serious, unadulterated bitching.

    That is all.

    It has until Sunday to start working. Then I move.


    Okay.. so, apparently, it is working. It's just extremely slow. I mean, like, passing-a-kidney-stone slow. And then the Rumour board doesn't even show up. So.. I guess I have to sort that out. Maybe it's just me? My computer? Maybe.

    But seriously, it's taking for-fucking-ever and those who know me? Know I'm not a patient person. In fact, I start riots when I'm out of patience. I will burn all who get in my way. No, really. Really! And if you run? I will hunt you down. I will. Seriously.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 10:32 AM