
  • gender: female
  • age: twenty
  • listening to: otep
  • chatting with: voice #3
  • reading: eliot
  • watching: people
  • playing: bass
  • wanting: a hug
  • feeling: The current mood of at

  • Rumour

    the natives speak..

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  • Friday, January 30, 2004

    Thank you angel wearing jeans!
    Does anyone know what it's like to wake up after four hours of sleep to shovel snow when the temperature is -3 degrees? Not too many. I woke up this morning... thinking... hoping... praying to God that I would be able to get up the driveway today. I mean, it didn't look like it snowed last night. But alas-- it did. A lot. Unfortunately I didn't realize it until I had to leave. In fact, I almost didn't recognize my car. It pretty much blended into the rest of the driveway-- which was NO WHERE to be found. I attempted to shovel the driveway in under two minutes... which was pretty ambitous considering my driveway. I had to leave immediately in order to get to class on time... I haven't been able to go to school the entire week thanks to this driveway issue. I quickly realized the the snow was not the problem. It was the ice I continually slipped on-- breaking just about every nail in the process. My car wasn't going up the driveway even if I got out and pushed it. Alas, another missed day of classes. I am toast.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 2:43 PM

    Wednesday, January 28, 2004

    Shoes? Fuck shoes!
    [the first half of this conversation was so ridiculous that i won't even post it.. let's just say.. cats + toast ?= perpetual motion]

    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: lol..i never thought of that..although a cat's weight is heavier than the way it would work
    Jen says: yeah, but the cat's feet are certainly lighter than its body, yet it lands on its makes sense lol
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: are you high?
    Jen says: lol you're not even considering it as a possibility, dumbass
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: a hovering cat. with breakfast food strapped to its back? lmao
    Jen says: actually it would probably be spinning, but hovering none the less
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: omg i can picture this now. i come over there.. your poor crack me up :D
    Jen says: okay.. it's still early, all this talk about toast.. im hungry now. wheres my kitty.
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: you're such a freak :P
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: omg, wait.. a cat-based monorail system ::jumpy::
    [wait.. did she just say I was the freak? ;)]

    I would punch every bee in the FACE.
    Jen says: guess who i got an email from!
    An Illegal Alien says: who who?!
    Jen says:!!
    An Illegal Alien says: omg how nice of themm! let them lower your bills!
    Jen says: screw that, they can pay 'em!
    An Illegal Alien says: lol.. why are we using ! everytime!?
    Jen says: lol.. i dont know!
    An Illegal Alien says: *ahem* ..Run. Fire.
    Jen says: lmao.

    A tire... HIT her in the FACE
    [a proposed snowball fight? lmao]

    Jen says: Get. Over. Here. Now. ...bring casey
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: lol i will maim you.. you won't even recognize yourself.. youll have to change your name to Frosty.
    Jen says: ill be waitin in the bushes
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: thanks tard, now i know where to look :P
    Jen says: yeah.. but WHICH bush?.. WHICH yard?.. which STREET?
    SNOWBALL FIGHT. NOW. says: WHICH snowball to throw in your face?

    IWillOwnYou says: oh god. that psych class. i almost died.
    Jen says: yeah.. lol.. i was waiting for you to fall out of your chair :P
    IWillOwnYou says: i almost screamed... heaven forbid or she might throw me out
    Jen says: blame it on tourette's lol
    IWillOwnYou says: lmao.... "IT'S TOURETTE'S, BITCH"
    Jen says: just make sure.. *twitch twitch* *punch*
    IWillOwnYou says: in the face.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 5:14 PM

    Friday, January 23, 2004

    Get me the bananas, angel.
    Okie, I have a new little quizzie :P

    The rules: Pick a band, and answer the eleven questions with their song titles. I picked Nirvana.

    1. Are you male or female: About A Girl
    2. How old are you: Smells Like Teen Spirit
    3. Describe yourself: Oh, me
    4. How do some people feel about you: Very Ape
    5. How do you feel about yourself: You Know You're Right
    6. Describe your ex-boyfriend: Stay Away
    7. Describe your significant other: All Apologies
    8. Describe what you want: Turnaround
    9. Describe how you live: Lounge Act
    10. Describe how you love: Love Buzz
    11. Share a few words of wisdom: Come As You Are

    True Story
    This guy kept calling me last night. It was a wrong number, but he thought I was lying when I told him... and he just kept calling. The first call was as follows:

    "Is Carrie there?"
    "No, wrong number."
    "Oh, sorry."

    And that was the end of it. Until the next call which was approximately five minutes later:

    "Is Carrie there?"
    "No, you have the wrong number."
    "Oh, is this 847-****?"
    "Yeah, but it's a wrong number."

    And I hung up. Which probably wasn't the best move considering what happened next:

    "Hey, just put Carrie on the phone."
    "Carrie is not here, you have a wrong number."
    "Please, just give me back my wife."
    "I don't have your wife."
    "Please ju.."

    I figured it was a prank call because of it's level of absurdity. But he called again, unfortunately, Casey answered:

    "Please give me my wife back!" (he was, like, hysterical.. I heard him from the other side of the room)
    "Please! At least let me talk to my kids."
    "I.. um.. killed them."

    He hung up. He didn't call again. A few hours later, there was a knock at the door. Yes. It was a policeman. I won't get into the whole thing. But he did search my house. Apparently, the guy calling was, in fact, missing his wife and kids. How he came across my number is beyond me. Casey isn't allowed to answer my phone anymore.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 8:59 PM

    Monday, January 19, 2004

    Turns out there were classes today. BUT GUESS WHAT! God loves me. Classes were CANCELLED at the last minute because a water main broke. I kind of knew there were classes.. I wasn't going to go anyway.. I needed a break. In fact, I'm not going to theatre tomorrow.. I'll go to philosophy though, mainly because I have to go to Monaca tomorrow anyway to get Dane Cook's CD/DVD at Circuit City... and I recommend that everyone else do the same.

    So today was Ben's birthday.. he's 17 and still in 9th grade.. how pathetic is that? I had to spend most of the day ALONE supervising him and his friends while they played xbox.. You know what I heard for five hours straight? "FUCK YOU!" "YOU'RE A PUSSY" "HOW'S THAT CHAPSTICK TASTE?" ... wait. What? What the hell does that mean? One of them just kept repeating that question over and over at ridiculous noise levels. I almost shoved a thing of chapstick down the kid's throat just to shut him up.

    My dad called from Iraq though.. to wish him a happy birthday and everything, so that was cool. His leave was cancelled, so he won't be visiting in February. It's actually really weird because I had a dream that he wouldn't be able to come home, like, two days ago. And look what happened. I swear, I'm psychic.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:15 PM

    Saturday, January 17, 2004

    Surveys! - Updated.
    For some reason.. I keep getting these surveys/questionnaires in my email.. so I decided to dedicate a blog entry to them. Here they go.

    Here's another one I decided to add.. no use in having two on Surveys :)
    Sent by: Adam
    1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before?
    college is all i can think of

    2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
    probably not, i can't even remember what they were; and no :P

    3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

    4. Did anyone close to you die?

    5. What countries did you visit?

    6. What would you like to have in 2004 that you lacked in 2003?

    7. What date from 2003 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
    May 19th - graduation

    8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
    getting into college

    9. What was your biggest failure?

    10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
    severe strept throat in Feb. otherwise.... no

    11. What was the best thing you bought?
    5-string bass

    12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
    my dad's, mandy's

    13. Whose behavior made you appalled and/or depressed?
    my brother's

    14. Where did most of your money go?
    my car, damn books

    15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
    getting the hell out of high school

    16. What song will always remind you of 2003?
    Asleep in the Chapel - Thursday, Stare at the Sun - Thrice

    17. Compared to this time last year, are you:

    I. happier or sadder? same
    ii. thinner or fatter? thinner :(
    iii. richer or poorer? poorer

    18. What do you wish you'd done more of?

    19. What do you wish you'd done less of?

    20. How will you be spending Christmas?
    with family and friends

    22. Did you fall in love in 2003?
    hard to say.. maybe i did..

    23. How many one-night stands?

    24. What was your favorite TV program?

    25. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
    i don't think so

    26. What was the best book you read?
    The Inferno

    27. What was your greatest musical discovery?
    Thursday and Thrice

    28. What did you want and get?
    into college

    29. What did you want and not get?
    University Park campus

    30. What was your favorite film of this year?
    don't know... probably the Matrix movies

    31. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
    19, i did absolutely nothing except open presents

    32. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
    less conflict

    33. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2003?

    34. What kept you sane?
    friends, music, voice #4

    35. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
    Dane Cook :) and Jennifer Garner

    36. What political issue stirred you the most?

    37. Who did you miss?
    Alicia, Micheal

    38. Who was the best new person you met?
    everyone i met was great

    39. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2003.
    Let people know you care, you might miss the chance.

    40. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
    do you hear the jetplane yawning miles across the sky?
    do you hear the garbage truck back down the boulevard,
    setting off the car alarms as it passes by?
    do you hear the static of one thousand detuned radios?
    shut the window, love, keep the world outside
    i don't want to think about anyone
    but the footsteps are getting louder
    drowning out the sound of the rain, as it knocks on the windowsill
    i'm not answering the phone-- let it ring
    lately i've been feeling like a falling bomb
    the ground is getting closer, and the sky is falling down

    Lindsay sent this one:
    What would you do if every time you fell in love with someone you had to say good-bye?
    When your in love there's no such phrase.

    What would you do if every time you wanted someone they would never be there?
    Honestly, I'd be frustrated. But you can't expect a person to cater to your every whim.

    What would you do if for every moment you were truly happy there would be 10 moments of sadness?
    Embrace the happy moments.

    What would you do if your best friend died tomorrow and you never got to tell them how you felt?
    Tell everyone important to me how much I love them.

    Okay, this was sent to me by MANDY. So all my answers refer to MANDY.
    My name: Mandy
    Where did we meet? You're Casey's brother's girlfriend. He introduced us.
    Take a stab at my middle name: Anne
    How long have you known me? About a year.
    When was the last time we saw each other? Last night.
    Do I smoke? No.
    Do I believe in God? You do but you won't admit it. ;)
    When you first saw me, what was your impression? Oh god, what a whore. (j/k - I don't remember.)
    My age? 21
    Birthday? November 9.
    Hair color? Dark red.
    Eye color? Blue.
    Do I have any siblings? Yes.
    Do you have a crush on me? No, sorry to disappoint you. ;)
    Have you ever been jealous of me? No. Jealously is deadly. :P
    What's my favorite thing to do outdoors? Shop.
    What's my favorite thing to do indoors? Shop.
    Do you remember the first thing I said to you? Yes. "Hi."
    What's my favorite type of music? Rock.
    My best feature? Eyes.
    Am I shy or outgoing? Outgoing.
    Am I funny in a "Ha Ha" way or sarcastic way? Neither. You're not funny. (j/k- "Ha Ha")
    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Depends.
    Would you consider me a friend, good friend, or an acquaintence? A best friend.
    How would you describe me? Jennifer Garner meets Dr. Drew.
    Have you ever seen me cry? Yes.
    If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be? Drama Queen.
    Are my parents still together? No.
    Do I have a big butt? For your sake, No.
    If I had broccoli stuck in my teeth, would you tell me? No. But I'd tell everyone else.

    Here is what she said about ME:
    My name: Jen
    Where did we meet? Casey introduced us.
    Take a stab at my middle name: Lynn.
    How long have you known me? 1 year.
    When was the last time we saw each other? Last night I believe.
    Do I smoke? No.
    Do I believe in God? Yes. You're oh so gullible.
    When you first saw me, what was your impression? "Casey didn't lie." LOL
    My age? 19
    Birthday? December 15.
    Hair color? Blonde. Who knew?
    Eye color? Blue.
    Do I have any siblings? Yes.
    Do you have a crush on me? No *cough* of course not.
    Have you ever been jealous of me? No.
    What's my favorite thing to do outdoors? Sleep.
    What's my favorite thing to do indoors? Sleep.
    Do you remember the first thing I said to you? Yep. "Hey."
    What's my favorite type of music? Rock.
    My best feature? Your eyes.
    Am I shy or outgoing? Oh so shy. :)
    Am I funny in a "Ha Ha" way or sarcastic way? Sarcastic.
    Am I a rebel or do I follow the rules? Depends on the situation.
    Would you consider me a friend, good friend, or an acquaintence? My bestest friend.
    How would you describe me? Gorgeous.
    Have you ever seen me cry? Yes.
    If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be? IF? Fur-fur!
    Are my parents still together? Uh, kind of.
    Do I have a big butt? *cough* Pass.
    If I had broccoli stuck in my teeth, would you tell me? Maybe after I finished laughing.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:29 PM

    It's two degrees outside. It's been snowing since 6pm last night. It's sooo damn cold.. and boring.. the roads are too bad to go anywhere.. and I can't even get out of the damn driveway. Oh.. and there's no more Coke left... :(

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 8:12 PM

    Friday, January 16, 2004

    I had this dream last night. It was so incredibly odd, as are most of my dreams, but this one stood out. I was in my old house in Beaver Falls.. the one that had the orchards and things. Okay, I was there, so was my mom (I think), Orion (no idea why), and.. um.. Weiss.. hehehe. Anyway.. there was an invasion of some sort.. maybe it was ghost Nazis or something because it was like a war invasion, but they were ghosts. And they kept firing at the house.. and they must have had, like, uber-bullets, because they went right through the walls and things. Or maybe they were just deadly, painful ghost bullets.. I don't know :P Alright, my mom, Orion, and I were on the second floor in the little room with the scary closet (you know the one), and we heard something in the room across the hall. So we opened the door and it was like a crypt or something, it still resembled the actual room, but it just looked creepier than usual.. hehe. There was a big open vent in the floor and there was someone calling for help from inside of it. It was Weiss. So my mom and Orion go to help him. (For the record, I was soo afraid that Weiss was hurt, take from that what you want :P) Anyway, I went downstairs to meet them in the basement for some reason :P On my way, I looked out the window and saw this fiery person running across the orchard.. it looked like a person, but it was a ball of fire. And I just kept looking at it trying to figure out what it was, and then all of the sudden it stopped in the big huge upper yard and turned into a Nazi (I don't know if it was actually intended to be a Nazi, but that's what I thought when I awoke) and it started shooting at me. So I tried to hide underneath the window, but it didn't do me any good because they were uber-bullets! So I ran into the living room and hid in front of the couch (the bullets got caught in the couch for some reason). THEN. One of the ghost Nazis comes right up to the window behind the couch and starts shooting into the house. He sees me and points the gun at me. So I ran into the next room, which happened to be my parent's room, and hid in front of the fireplace (which was on the wrong wall for some reason). So everything gets quiet all of the sudden.. and I was worried about Weiss.. so I tried to get to the basement. On my way, I looked out the window and there were four of my dead pets just sitting there. Then they all stood up at once and turned and walked away towards the Nazi in the upper yard (still shooting).

    Then I woke up. I never did find out if Weiss was okay. I'll just pretend that he was and everyone lived happily ever after.

    EDIT To clear it up: I don't necessarily have a 'thing' for Weiss. I mean, he's cute and everything.. but I don't have a thing. It's only a dream guys.. it's all symbolic ;)

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 9:07 PM

    Tuesday, January 13, 2004

    ahem.. i couldnt resist.. sorry guys.
    IWillOwnYou says: contact fell out again
    Weezer says: put it back in
    IWillOwnYou says: thats what your mom was screaming last night
    Weezer says: how much did she charge you?
    IWillOwnYou says: she gave me the 'slow and steady' deal.. and SHE paid ME baby
    Weezer says: right. so how long did it take you to shave her back?

    alicia says: no..... youre lying...... shut up
    Weezer says: It's true. I used to be black.
    alicia says: no..... really? what happened
    Weezer says: My parents left me inside too long.
    alicia says: no......
    alicia says: omg like micheal jackson

    Weezer says: oh god i just heard something downstairs
    IWillOwnYou says: i heard a rapist just escaped in the Beaver area
    Weezer says: god shutup. im serious. it was like a pounding on the basement door.
    IWillOwnYou says: you want me to come over there
    IWillOwnYou says: ill bring my clipping shears
    IWillOwnYou says: maybe well trim the hedges. he could just be looking for work
    Weezer says: youre a freak

    Re: Utopia [he has no idea i was transferred to the other server]
    TipsyWins says: i know where you are
    Weezer says: In the ghetto?
    TipsyWins says: i just have to narrow it down.. your one of five
    TipsyWins says: and then ill unleash my wreath
    Weezer says: Your wreath? Should I be afraid of a leashed Christmas decoration?
    TipsyWins says: wreath smartass. as in a whole lot of pain.
    Weezer says: Right. Bring on the wreath, then.

    An Illegal Alien says: i had this dream that four cows were trying to milk me.
    An Illegal Alien says: they kept saying calling my name, and tempted me with ice cream... but I was hiding.
    Weezer says: Where were you hiding?
    An Illegal Alien says: well. first i hid under the haystack and watched them look for me. then I was hiding under the bed cause they already looked there.
    An Illegal Alien says: but right before i woke up i was hiding in your closet. im not crazy am i?
    Weezer says: Okay, I told the first cow where you are. He said it won't hurt.
    Weezer says: No, you're not crazy. You're ready to be milked.
    An Illegal Alien says: the first cow always lies! he's the one that says he has ice cream but i didnt see any!

    Vaughn is a hottie says: IM SORRY says: i love you
    Weezer says: sucks for him
    Vaughn is a hottie says: jen he's crying
    Weezer says: im sure he is
    Vaughn is a hottie says: IM SORRY says: im sorry..
    Weezer says: that he got caught
    Vaughn is a hottie says: IM SORRY says: its so dark now.. youre my sunshine
    Weezer says: well then tell him to pull his head out of his ass
    Vaughn is a hottie says: im sorry but that was just hilarious.. and in so many ways :P

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:53 PM

    Monday, January 12, 2004

    And so it begins...
    Phase One

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:40 PM

    Sunday, January 11, 2004

    The pictures are working now. Alias is in 30 minutes. My plot to take over the world is moments from completion.

    Can I just say, for the record: Burnout 2 SUCKS. HUGE disappointment. I thought it would have at least half the balls as the original game, but No. Don't waste your money on it.. luckily, I got it as a Christmas present. Maybe it's just because I finished playing Underground before I tried B2 for the first time. BTW, Underground is one of the best racing games I've ever played. Back to B2.. compared to the original.. it's like.. a Crazy Taxi/Rad Racer hybrid. Anyone remember Rad Racer? :P It seriously lacks graphics and detail.. and the fact that you have to go through a tutorial in order to get to the real stuff is just ridiculous. Alright, my rant is over.. I hope you get the picture. *Walks into the gutter*

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 8:45 PM

    Saturday, January 10, 2004

    I found the problem.. apparently VP isn't linking externally for free anymore.. which sucks because: domaindlx is flaky.. and picServer is a load of BS.. so.. no pretty bg pics for the moment until I sort through all of this. Maybe Penn State will host the photos if i get my personal webspace.. which I don't really want, but I might try it... just for you.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:50 PM

    I wish I knew what was wrong with my bg pics.. one works until you refresh the page and the other one never shows up. I would switch from VillagePhotos because it's been established that they SUCK.. but alas, I can't find another reliable host. So, yes, here I am again.. still not much to say.. uhm.. Yeah.

    [ obsession] Oh! Yeah the new Alias epi is coming tomorrow.. it's been 5? weeks.. I've watched seasons 1 & 2 three times already. I've actually stooped as low as to look at spoilers. So....... sorry... don't talk to me about the show unless you want to be.. uh.. spoiled ;) Btw.. it's going to get better for those of you on the verge of leaving. I think this will be one of the best seasons. *wink wink * [ /obsession ]

    AND school's back Monday. My first class is in the Library classrooms.. but I have no idea how to get to the dungeons beneath the Library.. there aren't any stairs.. it makes me nervous. Then I have theatre in the SLC.. I know where it is.. but I'm still confused... Yeah.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:03 PM