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  • Saturday, August 28, 2004

    oh my stars....
    Someone deleted my main game on Super Mario Sunshine!! I had 120 stars! And they're gone! Whoooooo? And Whyyyyyyyy? All my hard work... right down the big green flower pipe.

    Now I'm stuck with the second game, which only has like, 74 stars. It's going to take me forever to get all those back. Geez. I need to hit something.

    And all of this rain kinda messed up the roads. Harper's Ferry is like, a mess. If you're not careful you could easily rip out the bottom of your car, it just like, drops off. It's a road with no shoulder whatsoever. Oooh, I sense a challenge.

    I need a drink.

    Speaking of my car.... my mom bribed me to take Ben to work yesterday. So I did. And he never listens.... he knows he had to be there at 5.30. I knew, he knew. But who does he blame when he's late? Me. It's not my fault he wasn't ready. But that's not the point. I told him ages ago not to mess with the passenger window because it hasn't been working right. And what's the first thing he does when he enters my car? He puts the window down. Now, normally, I would have the power lock on, but for some reason or another I didn't. Anyway. It got stuck; in the DOWN position. And what happens? It rains; of course it does. So I had to get out this car cover from the basement and it was covered in God knows what. There was like, this fuzzy thing, like a mouse shed it's skin or something; it was very gross. And the smell was putrid. Anyway, I had to put that on my car, which, as luck would have it, didn't keep very much water out.

    I brought it to my grandpap's today so he could look at it and all it was was a missing bolt and a loose screw inside the little window track. I felt so stupid, like, that is something I could have fixed on my own. Geez. Well, at least it wasn't the motor.... I feel a little better.

    And I still need a drink.

    I says: whatcha doin?
    Jen says: plotting universal domination and the destruction of mankind as you know it.
    I says: cool. ill be your sidekick. Sidekick Man. oh yeahhhh~

    Angelot says: i never understood the idea behind sporks.
    Angelot says: they cant function as a fork because the prongs are too little.
    Angelot says: and you cant use them as a spoon because the prongs get in the way.
    Angelot says: try eating soup with a spork.

    I says: you know the best thing about ketchup?
    I says: it's not too tomato-ey, but its not too ketchupy either.
    I says: you know?
    Jen says: yeah, definately.
    Angelot says: totally.
    Himitoad says: seriously.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:14 PM

    Monday, August 23, 2004

    Scared? No? Damn..

    Anyway.. I went on a boat today. That's right, I faced my fear. It was nice. And rewarding. But it smelled.... like fish. Crazy how that works, right? Anyway, I cannot stand the smell of fish.. it's almost as bad as coffee fumes. Fumes, I say! And there was a dead catfish just... floating there...... so disgusting. And my grandpap just kept circling the boat around it. That's right; dizziness, smelly water, and fish fumes.

    It was nice, though. Really peaceful... I even got to drive the boat, I felt so important. It's Captain Jen from now on.

    ..And I am sitting here, and I just noticed that I have reallyy loonngg toes. And I guess my fingers are kinda long, too... now I'm gonna feel all weird until I forget about my deformities. Reallllyy loonnnnnggg.

    Such a freakkkk... :P

    I came home today, and noticed that the toilet paper roll is still sitting on the bathroom sink counter. It was there yesterday. I refuse to do it. I even wrote a how-to instruction manual on how to change the damn toilet paper and taped it to the wall beside the sink. Really. It lasted about two weeks before someone took it down... I allowed it because I thought I had gotten the point acrossed. Well I guess I was wrong; I'll just have to write another one. And one about how to refill the soap dispenser, too.

    It's not that difficult. Really. I pwomise....

    That's really all I have to say, except please forgive the dorkishness of this post. It's 3 in the morning and I can't sleep.

    Himitoad says: nnnnnnnnn99999999..........//?????????""""""""""""
    Himitoad says: walked across the keyboard :P
    Jen says: your cat suckssssssssss
    Jen says: yeah, sorry, so did mine ;)

    I says: ok, whats red and blue and smells like poo?
    Jen says: lol... uh
    Angelot says: lmao. youre such a dork.
    I says: i'll take that as an 'i dont know, master'
    I says: a tomato in a minefield.
    Jen says: hmm
    I says: i lied about the blue and poo parts.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 11:47 PM

    Saturday, August 21, 2004

    it's that time again..

    An election is coming. Universal peace is declared and the foxes have a sincere
    interest in prolonging the lives of the poultry. T. S. Eliot

    I was putting that little navigator bar at the top of this page to use and I came across this. That's a really tall order to fill.. especially in one term. That's like, almost nine a year. And coincidentally, that Jung quote at the end came to mind as I was reading it.

    This whole election is like a Catch-22... And I think it sucks that we basically have to choose between these two men. One has trouble reading the cue cards, let alone speaking.. and the other one, in my opinion, is a hypocrite. It's just... a shame.

    ETA: I guess this kinda fits with this post, so click me.

    Jen says: Do autoparanoid schizophrenic agnostic dyslexic insomniacs lie awake at night wondering if they might be the dog that's out to get them?
    I says: wait. what?
    Duckie! says: lmao. i dunno.. eddie?

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 9:35 PM

    Friday, August 20, 2004

    My mother. Fed my dog. A Twinkie.

    A Twinkie!! HE HAS STOMACH ISSUES HE CAN NOT EAT TWINKIES! It's like bottle-feeding Coke to a newborn, it just. isn't. done.

    She was freaking there when the vet said, and I quote, "HE HAS A VERY SENSITIVE STOMACH." And then she goes home and feeds him a Twinkie. They're not good for people, let alone dogs.

    Now he won't eat. He has this supplement and de-wormer I have to mix with his food, and it's hard enough to get him to eat that. Pffffffff. A Twinkie... what is she ON?

    And the reason? She was going to eat it. Well, mother, if you didn't want to eat it, you a) put it back in the box; b) throw it in the trash; or c) just DON'T EAT IT. You don't give it to a sick dog!

    And you know what? She opened my mail. That's like, a federal offense. I could have her put away... animal cruelty and federal, uh, offending.

    And you know what else? There's a giant spider outside my bathroom window.

    Angelot says: you know, my grandma says "i says" all the time.
    Angelot says: and it's so grammatically incorrect i feel the need to correct her.
    Angelot says: but if i do, she'll say, "it's rude to correct, julia."
    Angelot says: so i sit there and remember not to correct.
    Angelot says: and when i get up and start screaming that my ears are bleeding
    Angelot says: she shoves me outside and wonders what the hell happened.
    I says: huh.
    Jen says: wow.
    Angelot says: i know.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 3:33 PM

    Thursday, August 19, 2004

    power schmoutage.
    yes. like, five times. i swear i was twitching by the third time. and i gave up resetting the clocks.. so according to this house, it's 12pm.

    Which is fine. Since it's 12pm, I haven't overslept. I haven't forgotten to feed the cat. I haven't hit the orange cone in the construction zone. And I haven't been forced to eat some nasty fast food. 12pm is awesome.

    And did you know Coke used to be green? It'd be cool of it still was.. it'd stand out. But I've discovered that if you leave it on the nightstand long enough, it will turn green. and it grows this pulp stuff.. i have yet to try it. it doesn't smell that great, though.. not like orange juice. it smells more like dog shit.. and i've never tasted dog shit so i still have no idea if it tastes any good..

    probably not.

    and i had an ortho appt. today. i swear he like, broke my tooth. i cried, well, not cried, but there were tears. and they were alfallen.. then i came home and walked the dog. in the rain. through mud.


    and here i am. tired, hungry, and, uh.. tired..... so byebye.

    Jen says: so.
    I says: yeah.
    Angelot says: i know.

    Angelot says: wtf. only 5 peopl answered 'cat' over 'dog?'
    Jen says: yeah.. i was shocked, but pleased.
    Angelot says: i find myself in a wanqlip.

    I says: don't be sexist, man. Chicks hate that.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 10:52 PM

    Tuesday, August 17, 2004

    okay, so..
    I'll admit wanqlip isn't a word. But it could be.. for example.. wanqlip: to be at a loss for words. Perfect.

    Chevy had a vet appointment today, and sadly, I think it was the highlight of my day. He seriously just thrives on the attention. And she stuck a thermometer up his ass, I thought it was the funniest thing, I couldn't stop laughing. I'm even laughing just thinking about it.. that doesn't make me a bad person.. you'd laugh too. I think his eyes just about popped out of his head. Oh, memories.

    Here are the final scores, thanks to everyone who helped me out:

    Cheese Nips: 19
    Cheez-Its: 8

    Black: 17
    Red: 11

    Truth: 15
    Fiction: 16

    Plus: 14
    Minus: 9

    Cat: 5
    Dog: 21

    C++: 8
    VB: 3

    Alrighty. The last one was purely for my amusement, and I approve :P I don't know if I'll post my finished project or not.. I might. I dunno. But I'm officially free of Psychology now. In January, I can finally focus on drafting.. my first loooove. And Alias returns in January. So.. it can't get here fast enough.

    ETA: DAMMIT. I wish they would leave the flipping layout alone. This stupid bar has got everything screwed up. I have to move everything down. And then the posting thing screws up and goes off-center. Argh! That's it. Riot.

    I says: was he on fire?
    Jen says: uh.. no.
    I says: then im not interested.

    Himitoad says: I thought you were meeting with some guy about that thing at the place..
    Jen says: the guy with the face?
    Himitoad says: yeah, that one

    I says: was he eating fire?
    Jen says: no.
    I says: then you may continue elsewhere.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 7:42 PM

    Friday, August 13, 2004

    Is so a word. Especially when you're playing Scrabble and that's all you have. And it's pretty sad when you lose to Eddie, whom creates words like "hot" and "if." He got this really good one where he added "nip" to the end of his previous "cat." I don't think I'll ever hear the end of it. I was having an off night.. yeah, that's it.. I wasn't feeling well.

    Oh, here are the current stats by the way:

    Cheese Nips: 19
    Cheez-Its: 8

    Black: 17
    Red: 11

    Truth: 9
    Fiction: 13

    For those of you who have no idea what those are, it's my little psych experiment.. just IM me on MSN and tell me which one you like better; I'm still on the Truth or Fiction poll.. actually it'll probably be changing later today. I'm surprised more people chose Black, I would have chosen Red, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

    CaseyForPresident says: I think I like Neptune the best though..
    CaseyForPresident says: if only because its beside Uranus.
    CaseyForPresident says: cause you know.. Uranus is off limits..

    I says: next time he parks his truck in my yard
    I says: ima bust out the syrup.
    I says: only the best
    I says: the kind that wont come off without, liek, googone and a brillo pad.
    I says: yeahh I'll show em
    I says: blue skies, jen, blue skies..

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 12:11 PM

    Saturday, August 07, 2004

    I went to sleep on July 12, and I woke up on Aug. 7... right? Has it really been that long since I've updated?

    I got a puppy! On, like, July 19th.. but that's not important.. I got a puppy! He's a Siberian Husky.. I named him Chevalier, but I call him Chevy because he doesn't listen to his full name; and frankly, it's too many syllables for a dog's name. But I thought it was cute.

    Hmm.. I still don't have a job. I applied to the little donut place cause they've had a help wanted sign up for, like, two months. They still haven't called. I'm thinking I might have spelled my name wrong....

    And I just noticed the new layout for this.. it let's me change text color the easy way. No more deciphering colors out of numbers. Look! Purple. White. Green. Blue.

    Kay, I'll finish before I further embarrass myself. I need a nap.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 12:01 PM