
  • gender: female
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  • wanting: a hug
  • feeling: The current mood of at

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  • Saturday, February 28, 2004

    Hey! I just realized that it's that special time of year. Yes, the time of the year that I never fail to get seriously ill. Every year in either February or March, something goes wrong, and I grow violently ill. And it's almost always Strept Throat. Now, I fear that it's coming, and it's going to hit me during Spring Break... which is in one week, and if it does, I will be extremely depressed. I've been counting the days until SB since Christmas vacation ended. So now I've been waking up the past few nights with a sore throat, but it's usually gone by the morning... although it's a warning sign as far as I'm concerned. And this morning? I literally had to pry my eyes open, they were stuck shut; and I've had this crap stuck in my throat for the past few days - that's soo an early symptom; and yes, I would know, I only get the damn illness three times a year. I guarantee you, by the end of the week I'll be sick.

    And you know what? If it does get me during SB, I'll be distracted from the new Alias eppy :(

    You know what else? My skin is so damn dry.. it's like.. chafing. I need to reapply the lotion every five minutes - not exaggerating. Every flippin February/March this happens... dry skin... Strept Throat... piss poor grades.

    But I'm okay! It's great! I have an illness that obviously loves me enough to pay me a visit at least once a year. That's more than I can say for some elements in my life.

    Here, I needed some color for this post.. :P And no, I didn't cheat. I'm just that cool.
    You're Perfect ^^
    -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.

    What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    [all are in reference to "Blues Clues"]

    Jen says: i be watchin Blues Clues
    IWillOwnYou says: ohhhh i love figuring it out. sometimes though, they make it hard.
    Jen says: oh totally... ::rolleyes::
    IWillOwnYou says: seriously, one time Blue wanted to do something inside on a rainy day...
    IWillOwnYou says: and the clues were so obscure..
    IWillOwnYou says: what could Blue want to do with a condom, anal lube, and a rubber band?

    An Illegal Alien says: steve should NOT be living alone.
    An Illegal Alien says: yesterday, he needed help figuring out his left from his right.
    An Illegal Alien says: and today he's off to college.
    An Illegal Alien says: damn, i want to go to that college, i bet they have bubblewrap taped to every corner.
    An Illegal Alien says: i'm 20 and he didn't listen when I told him which way was left.
    An Illegal Alien says: instead he listened to a talking pepper shaker. even i OUTRANK a damn pepper shaker.
    An Illegal Alien says: i'll take two of whatever he's on.
    Jen says: yeah, i think you already have ;)

    StaticPariah says: steve is kinda hot.
    Jen says: uhh..
    StaticPariah says: i bet he's a virgin
    StaticPariah says: only a virgin could dance like that
    Jen says: manda.... he talks to his mailbox.
    Jen says: i think it's safe to say your suspicions are accurate.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 3:27 AM

    Tuesday, February 17, 2004

    'tis a shame..
    For the amount of people that claim to have stopped watching Alias because of its "downward spiral", the servers at and sure were crowded on Sunday. In fact, they were so crowded, both servers crashed. Geez. I understand though, it's an addiction. Even if I wanted to stop watching I couldn't... not that I would ever want to..

    I need a picture to liven this post up, so here you go:
    Lonliness dominates you. You can hide it well, but it's there, and your friends can see it. You constantly feel alone, and need to do things to fill your time. Your afraid to tell people this, but sooner or later it gets out in a bad way, and you think you screwed up everything. And when you are in love is when you are sad the most.

    What Emotion Dominates you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Aw, I so lonely :(

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 3:18 PM

    Monday, February 16, 2004

    I hurt my wittle finger :(
    I need to vent. Sort of. I came home after a hard day of, uh, learning. I just wanted to take it all out on my bass. Make all the anger and frustration disappear with the notes. I know, I probably shouldn't have.. well, I wasn't really that hard on it, just.. more than usual. Anyway, I broke a string. It cut my finger. It bled, I cried. ...felt a little woozy... But, you know, it turned out alright. I finally have an excuse to wear a Glow-In-The-Dark Spongebob Squarepants band-aid. I also have an excuse to wander into the guitar shop.. "Hmm, yeah, I'm going to need some of those strings and... Oh! I'll take that Fender over there as well!" Yeahh.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 8:21 PM

    Saturday, February 14, 2004

    [if you're a smart kid you'll stay the hell away from love.]
    It's Valentine's Day! The only holiday that lends its name to a massacre. Ah, yes, nothing says love like a massacre... You may be wondering what your friend Jen will be doing today. Or maybe you're not and that's quite alright. To be honest, I have no idea how I will be spending this waste of a holiday. I suppose I should go hang out with Casey at some point, although.. he's over here every other day so I won't really notice the difference when I tune him out on a holiday. I'm just kidding... I don't really mean that. I'm quite fond of Casey, so I'm sure I'll notice the difference.

    Maybe I'll just spend the day in my room with a pint of Haagan Das Cookies and Cream. Oh! Yeah, with Alice in Wonderland and my Alias dvds. Screw Casey. ... Although, I guess I could share my ice cream.

    You know what? They should turn Valentine's Day into Christmas: The Second Coming. That way, not only do we get a holiday that the majority enjoys, but we also get a chance to send the fruitcakes back to the offenders before they expire.

    Anyway.. in the spirit of Valentine's Day:
    You have a mysterious kiss. Your partner never
    knows what you're going to come up with next;
    this creates great excitement and arousal never
    knowing what to expect. And it's sure to end
    in a kiss as great as your mystery.

    What kind of kiss are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Now if you'll excuse me, I have some ice cream to buy and dvds to watch.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 2:02 PM

    Friday, February 13, 2004

    it's all in the family
    My aunt's birthday was yesterday. Everyone got together today. I actually enjoy getting together with them because they're all just so.... odd. My grandpap just got back from vacation and he was showing everyone these pictures of Florida. To be honest I have no idea how he got them developed so fast, I mean, my aunt picked him up from the airport the hour before... so I guess he did it in Florida... I normally wait until I'm home to develop pictures.... but that's just me. Anyway, my grandpap was telling everyone what he did while he was there... and my cousin and I were carrying on a different conversation, and my grandma was like... "Hey! He's trying to tell you guys a story and you're talking about something else!" Well.. he wasn't really talking to us.. he was talking to anyone who would listen. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love my grandpa's stories.. he's hilarious, but I just don't find Florida fruit trees all that interesting... sorry. Well anyway, everyone was singing happy birthday to my aunt, and my grandpa was still going on about his tree pictures. Right in the middle of the song we all hear my grandpap say, "Did you get to the Sausage Trees yet?" In your face grandma! We try to sing a nice song to Aunt Carrie and grandpap is talking about Sausage Trees!

    No, there's more. My grandpap was still talking about his trip... but this time he was talking about cows. He claimed that Florida gets its orange juice by feeding the cows bad oranges. Then he started talking about something else... I wasn't really paying attention.. I think it was about my grandma's dad... anyway I caught one sentence of his story: "He was angrier than a cat pissing in the middle of July." What did I tell you? Hilarious. I love my grandpap.

    Oh wait, that's not all. My uncle is taking my grandparents on a three week trip to Italy this summer, and they were complaining how much it cost to get their passports. I don't blame them... passports really are expensive. But my aunt asked how long they last until they expire, and my grandparents said ten years. Then my mom says "Well, that will last you." What? Wait... what did she just say? And she tries to explain that she meant that they wouldn't be travelling when they're 85-90 or so. Yeah, whatever mom. We all know.

    Jen muy se frustra says: jen is on a train travelling from boston to pittsburgh going 140 mph
    Jen muy se frustra says: eddie is driving from pittsburgh to boston going 2 mph
    IWillOwnYou says: lmao is eddie driving a cow?
    Jen muy se frustra says: how long does it take eddie to realize he left home without his pants again
    IWillOwnYou says: probably 5 seconds before the train hits him
    IWillOwnYou says: or he just doesn't

    VaughnIsAHottie says: my mom always says not to look a gift horse in the mouth
    Jen muy se frustra says: huh.
    VaughnIsAHottie says: yeah.
    VaughnIsAHottie says: i don't really know what it means.. but i think im getting a pony for my birthday!

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 9:15 PM

    Tuesday, February 10, 2004

    I'm kidding! I'm just a stupid clock playing stupid clock games!
    I remember when I was in high school and the teachers would give everyone lectures about how college professors couldn't care less whether or not you came to class. I remember extremely well the time that I was caught skipping class, and they chewed me out. Mr. Riley was like, "You can't do this in college because they're not going to care!" Um, I didn't skip class because you care, Mr. Riley. Oh, but Mr. Riley, if only you knew how much they really do care. I missed a couple days of Math recently. So what? Good lord, it's algebra. I learned all that when I was in eighth grade. So, my math professor, we'll call him Mad Hatter because he reminds me of the Mad Hatter, calls my house to talk to me about it. Just my luck, he called right after my huge spat with Grendel, so I was in a really bad mood. The last thing I want to do is talk to the Mad Hatter. I had no idea who it was because Grendel wouldn't tell me. Anyway, I pick up the phone and practically growl, "Who is this?" He says, "This is the Mad Hatter." Well, not exactly, but you get it. He was a little taken aback, and I can't say I blame him. I'm not used to having my professors call my house, especially right after I go head to head with a giant ogre. He just wanted to know if I could come to class more often. Whoa, in your face, Mr. Riley. I made up a story about having car problems... although it wasn't entirely a lie. My driveway is all ice.. sometimes I can't get up the little hill. This was, in fact, the case the days I missed. So, he asked if I had a secondary phone number for emergencies. Not really.. I gave him my mom's work number, although I think I mixed up the numbers. It's -5650 and I told him -0560. I never call my mom so it's not like I did it on purpose, I hope he doesn't try to call her before Wednesday..

    This is all Grendel's fault. I hate him.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 2:48 PM

    Friday, February 06, 2004

    One time, at band camp...
    As much as I hate to admit it, I think I'm in a rut. The worst part? I don't even know what kind of rut. This has never happened to me before.. it's like a constant state of inertia. And I'm powerless to control it. I don't feel like going to class.. or anywhere for that matter, I don't want to work, and my room is a total mess.. I swear, there are about 50 empty coke cans on my nightstand-- ten columns of five; stacked a little too neatly. Maybe it's the weather.. or perhaps it is school. You know, I'm not used to having to study and read texts to get 'A's. Ever. And I hate it. I hate having to work. But, you see, maybe this is the problem.. I'm simply in denial? My intelligence isn't enough to carry me anymore and I actually have to work and pay attention in class. No.. it's just a rut, and I'll eventually dig myself out of it, right? I did fine last semester. Just like high school-- nice and easy. Besides, I can't just quit school, what would they say? I'd simply become a statistic. So maybe it really is the weather.. although, this has always been my favorite time of year. I love the snow and the cold air. No, I'm not crazy. I hate being hot and sticky in the summer. ...I don't know what it is.

    The neighbor's dog has been barking incessantly since 12pm this afternoon. It's an annoying little terrier bark, too. I'm about five steps away from hammering it with the potato gun. But, I'm stuck in my rut and I don't feel like moving right now. I don't know why they just won't let it inside, or feed it, or water it, or shoot it... whatever it takes to shut the beast up. So I turn the TV up. Perhaps Alice in Wonderland will drowned out the noise, maybe even my headache.. although.. five steps really isn't that far. .....Who am I kidding? Yes it is.

    I've decided to drop my philosophy class. I can find a different humanities elective next semester. I realized that I've learned more about Aristotle by reading the first chapter of Metaphysics than I did during the 1.75 hours of class. There's really no point in wasting my time that way. Besides, it's too much of a workload for an elective. Honestly? I don't know why I put up with Asian Philosophy last semester. Maybe I was motivated. I don't know. Either way, I didn't learn anything common sense wouldn't tell me. Time is of the essence, I won't waste it on redundancy.

    That is all. For now anyway, I don't feel like typing anymore.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 9:49 PM

    Tuesday, February 03, 2004

    Ummmmm.. hellooo?
    So, on my way to school today, I got stuck behind this truck. It wasn't a big truck.. just a normal, old truck.. oh, and it had a cap on the bed. Anyway, I was driving along, minding my own business, when all of the sudden, this HUGE sheet of ice/snow combo flys off the top of the truck's cap and onto my windshield with a loud THUD. I cannot even begin to explain what that's like. Okay, I had only been awake for about 15 minutes, so I was still a little groggy, and I thought I was going to die. Seriously. Luckily it only took a few seconds to break apart and fly off my windshield, but I still couldn't see where I was going. But everything's okay, now. My car is fine, so quit worrying. :P People, if you see ice and snow growing out of the roof of your car, please take the time to push it off the car and onto the ground. It's common courtesy, and I'd do it for you.

    Hey! Look at me!

    Which "Happy Bunny" phrase are you?

    hi dorkwad

    You are a very fun and humorous person, but you might take sarcasm a little too far.

    Personality Test Results

    Click Here to Take This Quiz
    Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

    you are slategray

    Your dominant hues are cyan and blue. You like people and enjoy making friends. You're conservative and like to make sure things make sense before you step into them, especially in relationships. You are curious but respected for your opinions by people who you sometimes wouldn't even suspect.

    Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the html color quiz

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 2:08 PM

    Sunday, February 01, 2004

    Mustard!? Don't let's be silly!
    Ahem. I've been watching Alice in Wonderland for the past three days straight. That's healthy, right? I mean, it's not like I've been watching it for four days straight... I still haven't gotten tired of it. How can you get tired of that movie? It's flippin awesome.

    Anyway.. yeahhh.. about Friday night... well. Um, yeah. Serves you all right. Seriously. For those if you who are still in the dark.. or simply stumbled over this blog, here's what 'went down':

    Bored, and still unable to get my car up the driveway, I stumble across the street to Eddie and Casey's house. Halfway across the yard I'm greeted by a snowball in the side of my face. Angered, yet slightly amused that anyone would attempt such a thing, I look around for the perp(s). Shortly after, I find them hiding artlessly behind a tree (begging for mercy, mind you). They obviously knew I was coming, but how? Anyway we opted to end our tiff and search for Mandy, who's been MIA for a few days. Not really, but she has been very elusive.

    Slightly suspicious as to how Eddie and Casey knew I was coming, Mandy's sudden disappearance, and numerous calls claiming to 'know what I did last winter' (another story, another time), I began putting the pieces together. My friends were about to set me up. So. I slip away claiming to need the wittle girls woom, and whip out the phone. After a few well placed calls my plan was in action. Finally, the three of us end up at Mandy's house, where she was still nowhere to be found. They 'lure' me to the orchard.. I assumed, since it was already getting dark, they were going to lead me to the creepy tire shed (where Mandy was possibly waiting with a shitload of snowballs) and desert me. When it was dark. Near the haunted, creepy shed. Even though I knew it was coming.. I still didn't want to do it.. because, let's face it, that shed is creepy. Then I saw my lackies making their way through the trees (I called Brent and Lucy while I was in the wittle girls woom and asked them to follow Eddie, Casey, and me with 'proper supplies'... which turned out to be a supersoaker filled with ketchup and a few Halloween decorations).

    Anyway.. we arrived at the shed (surprise) and Eddie claims to need to go back for a flashlight.. a few minutes later Casey goes to 'look for him'. Whatever. I take this time to begin a pile of ammo. Anyway, somehow they had sneaked into the back of the shed and I heard a scream. Five figures emerged from the shed, three of which were covered in ketchcup and silly string-- the other two laughing hysterically. Anyway, I make my point by finishing the three off with some snowballs. They never saw it coming. Now, the point of this story is: Please do not try to fool Jen. You'll only make yourself look bad. And end up smelling like condiments.

    Well, there you have it. Mandy seems to have disappeared again, so if you see a freakishly tall asian girl roaming around Chippewa, please tackle her and give me a call.

    ~scribbled by jen sometime around 6:00 PM